sundevil hospitality hero

Sun Devil Hospitality

Daily Menus

Experience the vibrant world of Sun Devil Hospitality at Arizona State University, where dining goes beyond just food—it's about building connections through shared meals! Our commitment to quality shines through in every dish, with diverse menus crafted to accommodate every dietary preference and requirement. With an emphasis on high-quality ingredients, diverse and innovative menus, and expertly trained chefs, Sun Devil Hospitality offers a wide variety of food options that cater a wide variety of dietary needs and preferences. 

Hours and locations

tempe card


Spending time at the Tempe location? Check out what we offer to satisfy your cravings.

Downtown Phoenix card

Downtown Phoenix

Experience everything being in the city has to offer - including great food!

West card

West Valley

Eating made easy on the West Valley Campus, click here to discover the yum!

Polytechnic card


Our culinary team brings the flavors to Poly, check them out when you are spending time on this campus.

Meal plans and Menus

people eating

Find the perfect meal plan for you

Whether you live on campus or off, we have a meal plan that fits your lifestyle!

chicken salad

Where do you want to eat today?

Check out the menus of our residential, all-you-care-to-eat dining locations.

Grubhub is now available on campus!

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